
Presetting radio stations into the memory channels of this unit
makes selecting stations simple.
A total of 30 FM and AM stations can be preset.
Please remember this
If a new broadcaststationis preset intoa channel,the settingfor
the broadcaststationwhichwas previouslyenteredinthatchannel
willbe automaticallyerased.
IAutomatic memory presetting -.,
Automatic memory presetting allows this unit to automatically
search for broadcast stations and then preset them into memory.
With this method, the channels that can be preset into the memory
are set as follows for different bands (FM or AM).
When FM stations are preset,
For FM stations ........................................................................... 1-30
When FM and AM stations are preset,
For FM stations ........................................................................... 1-20
For AM stations......................................................................... 21-30
BE Set to the frequency from which you want to
start automatic memory presetting.
(See page 15.) '
r.4 Press MEMORY until the frequency begins to
Duringautomaticmemory presetting,the memoryindicator
To stop, press MEMORY once again.
When a.broadcast station ispreset [] ]
The memory indicator and the preset channel number will be
displayed for approximately 1 second.
When presetting is completed
The lastbroadcaststationto be presetwillbe displayed.
Frequencies may not be preset correctly in cases where the
broadcast waves are too strong or too weak. In such cases, carry
out presetting manually. (See page 17.)