
Listening to the Radio
Setting up the radio
Numbered m
Listening/confirming the preset
O Press [RADIO] to select "FM" or "AM".
Press the numbered buttons to select the
To select a 1-digit number
e.g., 1: [1] => [OK]. I_-_l I
To select a 2-digit number l I L
e.g., 12: [1] =>[2]
Alternatively, press [A, v] or ['_, I_].
When a stereo FM broadcast is being received, ¢ST_
"ST" lights in the display.
oThe FM/AM setting is also shown on the TV display.
If noise is excessive
When FM is selected
Press [AUDIO] to display "MONO". T ,'MON0",
L- li4 "Fl'lq FI
Press the button again to cancel the 1 / I L/LI. _1
oThe mode is also canceled when you change the frequency.
oThis setting can be preset for each broadcasting station. When
"MONO" appears, follow procedures O and O in "Presetting stations
manually". (_ below)
When AM is selected
Press [AUDIO] to select "AM BPI" or "AM BP2" (whichever
receives the better quality).
Each time you press the button:
AM BP1 _AM BP2 (BP=Beat Proof)
Presetting stations automatically
Up to 30 stations can be set in each band, FM and AM.
Press [RADIO] to select "FM" or "AM".
Press [STATUS] to select the position to start the
auto preset search.
Each time you press the button:
LOWEST (factory preset):
To begin auto preset with the lowest frequency.
(FM: 87.9 or 87.5, AM: 520)
To begin auto preset with the current frequency.*
* To change the frequency, refer to "Manual tuning". (=> right)
_t Press and hold [OK].
Release the button when "AUTO" is
I-1 / I T tq
displayed. /--_ U I LI
The tuner starts to preset all the stations it
can receive into the channels in ascending
o"SET OK" is displayed when the stations are set, and the radio tunes
to the last preset station.
o"ERROR" is displayed when automatic presetting is unsuccessful.
Preset the channels manually. (=> right)
O Press [RADIO] to select "FM" or "AM".
Press [SEARCH_!<] or [SEARCHI_I_] to select
the frequency.
oMain unit:
Press [v TUNE A] to select the frequency.
oWhen a radio broadcast is being ¢°_"_
received, "T" lights in the display, l-- /__f"'" IT I-I I_
oTo start automatic tuning, press I I t L/LI. _1
and hold [SEARCH'_] or
[SEARCHI_I_] (main unit: [v TUNE A]) until the frequency
starts scrolling.
Tuning stops when a station is found.
Presetting stations manually
Up to 30 stations can be set in each band, FM and AM.
O While listening to the radio broadcast
Press [OK].
O While "P" is flashing on the display
Press the numbered buttons to select a channel.
To select a 1-digit number
e.g., 1: [1] _ [OK]. IZI _l
To select a 2-digit number I h
e.g., 12: [1] =>[2]
A station previously stored is overwritten when another station is
stored in the same channel preset.
FM frequency step
Main unit:
The factory setting is set to 0.2 MHz, it can be changed to receive broadcasts allocated in 0.1 MHz. You may need to change this setting
if the tuner seems to skip over the correct frequency for stations in your area.
Press [SELECTOR] to select "FM".
Press and hold [SELECTOR].
After a few seconds the display changes to show the current lowest frequency. Continue to hold the button down. The lowest frequency changes
and the step is changed.
To return to the original settings, repeat steps O and O.