Introduction to Freesat

Updating Software on Freesat TV
New software
Developed by
Software submitted
to DTG for approval
New software Sent to
broadcaster’s Queue
awaiting available slot
Freeview (OAD)
FreeSat (SSU)
New software sent out
on SSU channel
Straight to TV
The new software can be sent to
the TV as soon as it has been
approved for release.
Software is sent when the next
OAD slot becomes available.
This could be several weeks
New software
Developed by
Software submitted
to DTG for approval
How does the software update process differ from that of
The main difference is that Panasonic Freeview equipment uses the Over the
Air Download system (OAD) whereas the Freeview TV uses the newer System
Software Update (SSU) system.
The OAD system, once the software update has been approved by DTG, it is
sent to the BBC to download on the next available slot that the manufacturer
has allocated. This could be weeks after the software has been approved.
With SSU, a channel is permanently allocated for system updates, so once the
software has been approved for release, it can be sent to the required
equipment almost immediately, without queuing for weeks.