Operating Instructions

Favourites Edit
List favourite DVB channels
Create your favourite channel lists from various broadcasters (up to 4:
Favourites 1 to 4).
The DVB favourites lists are available for switching in the information banner
and from Category in the TV Guide screen.
1. Select Favourites Edit and press OK to access.
2. Select a channel to list from all DVB channels.
appears when the channel is encrypted.
To display other favourites
3. Press OK to add it to favourites list.
To add all channels to the list (if available)
1) Press
2) Press
(green) to add all.
4. Press BACK/RETURN and OK to store.
Edit DVB favourites list
You can edit the favourites list while the cursor is on the channel in the
favourites list.
To move the channel
1) Select the channel.
2) Press
3) Select the new position with Cursor buttons or select the turn with
Numeric buttons.
4) Press (green) to store.
To delete the channel
1) Select the channel.
2) Press OK to delete.
– Press
(yellow) to delete all channels.
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