Operating Instruction

English - 20 -
      
     
  Visually Impaired, AC4
, Captions, ,
   Audio
, Hearing Impaired, 
Visually Impaired:  
   
Speaker: 
Headphone:  
Volume:      
Pan and Fade: 
Audio for the Visually Impaired: 
Fader Control:   
   Main 
Reset:     
Erase everything
 
   OK  
OK       
    OK  
Unpair   OK  OK 
   OK 
Change nameOKOK
Channel List
Channel List.
OKChannel List 
, SortFind. Sort
OKDigital, Radio,
, Analogue
     Find   OK
Note: If any option except Broadcast is selected in the
Select Type menu, you can only scroll through the channels
that are currently listed in the channel list using the Program
+/- buttons on the remote.
Editing the Channels and the Channel List
 Channel Skip, Channel Sort, Channel Move
Channel Edit Settings>Chan-
nel>Channels  Settings
TV options
Note: The options Channel Sort, Channel Move and Channel
Edit may not be available and appear as grayed out depending
on the operator selection and operator related settings. You
can turn o the LCN setting in the Settings>Channel menu,
as it prevents channel editing. This option might be set to
On by default depending on the selected country during the
initial setup process.
Managing Favourite Channel Lists
    󰀨   