Component Guide

The Need for Cable Routing
What is a Cable Routing System?
A Cable Routing System is a collection of channels, fittings, and mounting brackets that can be assembled to create
a structure that protects fiber optic and high performance copper data cabling from physical damage that can disrupt
or cut off signal transmission. It also provides a versatile, scalable pathway that reduces the costs associated with
maintaining existing network operations and implementing new services. Cable Routing Systems are not just a
means of containing cabling deployed in data centers or central offices. They are an integral component of the
overall cable management system needed to ensure optimum network performance.
Can you afford improper cable routing?
Network problems can cost large companies hundreds of thousands of dollars. A recent study found that companies
can lose as much as 3.6% of their annual revenues to network downtime and service degradation
. Contributing to
this is improperly routed or unprotected fiber optic cable, which is susceptible to various types of damage. Crushing,
pinching, or microbending can result in impeded signal transmission and cable breakage. Bend radius violations, or
macrobending, in fiber optic and copper cables can increase attenuation affecting overall system performance and
cause fatigue leading to long-term signal failure.
Therefore, improperly routed cables are at risk of being damaged and can result in service interruption and
downtime. Identifying, testing, removing, and replacing a damaged cable is costly in terms of labor and network
service interruptions.
A properly designed and installed Cable Routing System carries cabling along a logical route to minimize bends
and optimize cable lengths while providing easy access to make moves, adds, or changes. A well-engineered and
installed Cable Routing System costs a fraction of the potential downtime losses and day-to-day operating costs
over the life of the network, thereby reducing the total cost of ownership.
The Value of the Panduit Solution
Always a leader in providing customers with solutions, Panduit offers a complete
range of cable routing, management, connectivity, and cabling products to meet today’s
data center and service provider central office needs.
The Panduit
Cable Routing System ensures maximum network reliability
and reduced cost of ownership. Robust, highly engineered components with integral
bend radius control surfaces can be configured to meet virtually any network application
to provide optimum cable protection and assure network performance. Fast and easy
to deploy, this scalable cable routing solution reduces installation cost and speeds
implementation of new services.
Infonetics Research, The Cost of Enterprise Downtime, North America 2004.