
Complementary Network Infrastructure
Security Products
Surface Mount Raceway Systems
Surface mount raceway systems are available in a variety of materials in single and
multi-channel designs to route power, low voltage, copper, or fiber optic cabling. Panduit
offers a full complement of fittings that are designed to maintain proper bend radius
control, channel capacity, and separation in applications requiring both data cabling and
power wiring. Tamper-resistant Panduit surface raceway products offer increased safety
benefits, discourages unauthorized access, and protect against accidental damage and
physical contact with electrical wiring.
Labels attach easily and can be rotated for visibility without twisting the
cable. Properly identifying the cable plant not only meets communication labeling
standards, but also makes moves, adds, and changes easier and more secure.
Technicians know they’re moving the correct cable before it is moved, protecting the
security of the network.
J-Pro Cable Support System
The J-Pro™ Cable Support System routes cables throughout the physical infrastructure,
providing complete bend radius control and is UL listed for use in air handling
spaces. Available in four sizes, multiple colors, and numerous mounting options for
any application.
Work Area Outlets
Modular Patch Panels, Faceplates, and Surface Mount Boxes accept all
Keyed Modules for copper/fiber installations, providing a broad range of
options that are easily installed and offer absolute modularity.
Zone Cabling
Panduit provides a complete line of lockable zone cabling products for open office
architecture applications, telecommunication enclosures, data centers, wireless
deployments, and network integration of Building Automation Systems. Utilizing a
distributed network and a Zone Cabling Topology for your physical infrastructure
can solve telecommunication room congestion.
Infrastructure Security Solution