User's Manual

Google Functions
Viewing the Contents of a Received E-mail
Select an e-mail
Tap (Starred) to the right of the sender’s name to star the e-mail.
Tap [Reply] to the right of the sender’s name to compose a reply to the e-mail.
to use [Reply all] and [Forward].
Read e-mails will appear with a gray background in the Inbox to designate them
from unread e-mail.
Tap [Archive] below the e-mail body to save the e-mail in your Archive. To view
archived e-mails, tap
(Menu) [Go to labels][All Mail] in that order.
Tap [Delete] below the e-mail body to delete the e-mail.
Tap / below the e-mail body to view the previous/next e-mail.
Creating and Sending E-mail
(Menu) [Compose]Enter recipient, subject, message
You can save an e-mail you have written as a draft instead of sending it
You can also include photos as an attachment to your e-mails.
Showing Labels
(Menu) [Go to labels]
Select a label to view all e-mails set with that label.
(Starred) e-mails can be viewed and managed together in the Starred Inbox.