Installation Guide

Table Of Contents
Paradox Magellan Systems 31
System Settings
Software Reset
Section [201]
Performing a software reset will reset all programmed sections
back to the factory defaults. To perform a software reset:
1. Access the installer programming mode (page 11).
2. Enter section [201].
You can also perform a software reset by removing power to the
console, pressing and holding down the [*] and [#] keys and
then reapplying power to the console.
Installer Lock
Section [180]: 000 = Disabled; 147 = Lock Enabled;
Default = Disabled
Program 147 into section [180] to lock all programming.
Performing a hardware reset will not affect the current console
settings. To remove the Installer Lock, enter 000.
Console Tamper Supervision
Section [090]: Option [5]
Option [5] OFF = Console Tamper Supervision disabled
Option [5] ON = Console Tamper Supervision enabled
Magellan can be programmed to monitor its on-board tamper
status. The console will follow its programmed tamper
recognition options. Refer to Tamper Recognition Options on
page 22 for more information.
Console Audible Trouble Warning
Section [090]: Option [2]
Option [2] OFF = Console beep on trouble disabled (default)
Option [2] ON = Console beep on trouble enabled
When enabled, the console emits an intermittent beep tone
whenever a trouble condition occurs in the system. The
intermittent beep tone remains activated until the user enters the
Trouble Display by pressing the left [
] key (
). The
intermittent beeps will re-initialize whenever a new trouble
occurs or the trouble restores and re-occurs.
The only trouble not covered by this feature is the AC Power
Failure trouble. See AC Power Failure Warning on page 31.
FM Tuner Option
Section [093]: Option [8]
Option [8] OFF = FM tuner is disabled when the system is
armed (default)
Option [8] ON = FM tuner is enabled when system is armed
With section [093] option [8] ON, the Magellan’s radio is turned
ON automatically after the system is armed (after the Exit Delay
timer has elapsed).
Daylight Savings Time
Section [096]: Option [5]
Option [5] OFF = Daylight savings time disabled (default)
Option [5] ON = Daylight savings time enabled
With section [096] option [5] ON, Magellan adjusts the system’s
clock (time) for daylight saving changes. At 2:00AM on the first
Sunday of a full weekend in April, the console will add one hour
to the programmed time (clock). At 2:00 AM on the last Sunday
of a full weekend in October, the console will subtract one hour
from the programmed time.
AC Power Failure Warning
Section [096]: Option [6]
Option [6] OFF = AC power failure warning disabled (default)
Option [6] ON = AC power failure warning enabled
With this feature enabled, the console emits an intermittent beep
tone whenever an AC power failure is detected. The intermittent
beep tone remains activated until the user enters the Trouble
Display by pressing the left [
] key (i). The intermittent
beeps will re-initialize whenever the trouble occurs or the trouble
restores and re-occurs.
The Trouble Display
When the system experiences problems or is tampered with, the
Information symbol ( ) will appear on the LCD screen and the
light will illuminate. The potential troubles that the Magellan
system can experience are listed below. To access the Trouble
1. Press the key.
2. Use the [
] key to scroll through the displayed troubles.
3. Press the [
] key to view details on the desired trouble.
Trouble Description
Bypass There is a zone (or zones) that is bypassed in
the system.
Alarm Memory An alarm has occurred in the system. The
zones displayed went into alarm.
Console Low Bat The backup battery pack is disconnected,
needs to be recharged or replaced.
Doorbell Low Bat Wireless transmitter being used as a doorbell
(page 17) requires its batteries changed.
Zone Low Battery Zone(s) displayed indicate where a wireless
transmitter’s battery needs to be replaced.
Clock Loss The time and date were reset to default. To
1. Press the
2. Press the [3] key.
3. Press the
key to display the time
using the 12-hour clock or the
to display the time using the 24-hour clock.
4. Enter the desired time and then press
5. Enter the date and then press