v3821-A2-GB20-40 January 1999
Objectives and Reader
This guide describes how to install the 3821Plus circuit
card and operate the 3821Plus modem. It is intended for
all users of the 3821Plus modem.
Each 3821Plus card comprises three modems. In
general this guide refers to the 3821Plus modem with
regard to operation and the 3821Plus card with regard to
installation. The term 3800Plus refers to all the modems
in the 3800Plus series, including the 3810Plus, 3811Plus,
3820Plus, 3821Plus, and 3825Plus.
How to Use This Manual
Chapter 1 provides information about 3821Plus
hardware and software features, including the front panel
and status indicators.
Chapter 2 provides instructions for installing the card,
selecting factory configuration options, recovering the
ability to use AT commands, and using AT command
initialization strings.
Chapter 3 shows the options menus available from the
Shared Diagnostic Control Panel (SDCP).
Chapter 4 provides instructions for displaying and
changing AT commands and S-registers. These commands
control all aspects of the modem’s operation.
Chapter 5 provides general information about fax
modem operation.
Chapter 6 shows how to use the SDCP of a
COMSPHERE modem to access and control a remote
3800Plus modem.
Chapter 7 describes the security features of the
3821Plus modem, including AT commands and SDCP
controls used to set security configuration options.
Appendix A shows the menu trees available from the
Appendix B lists result codes produced by the modem.
Appendix C provides instructions for performing
diagnostic tests when data communications problems
occur, and explains the Automatic Firmware Download
Appendix D lists the technical specifications of the
3821Plus modem.
Appendix E provides cable pin assignments.
Appendix F provides V.25bis dialing information.
Appendix G provides an equipment list.
Appendix H shows configuration options whose
validity or default values vary according to country code.
The Glossary provides a description of terms used
throughout this guide.