COMSPHERE 3821Plus Modem
Index-2 January 1999 3821-A2-GB20-40
AT commands, continued
E (Command Character Echo), 3-26, 4-4
H (Hook Switch Control), 4-4
I (Identification), 4-4
O (Online Mode), 4-4
Q (Result Codes), 3-27, 4-5
recovering use of, 4-26
Sn? (Display S-register), 4-5
Sn=r (Change S-register), 4-5
using to change factory presets, 2-6
V (Result Codes Format), 3-28, 4-5
X (Extended Result Codes, Dial Tone Detect, Busy
Tone Detect), 3-27, 3-30, 3-31, 4-6
Y (Long Space Disconnect), 3-32, 4-6
Z (Reset and Load Active), 4-6
AT Escape Character, 3-25
AT&T exclusive dialing, 4-27
Auto Make Busy (S40), 4-19
auto-answer problems, C-3
Auto-Answer Ring Count, 3-30
Automatic Firmware Download Center, 3-49, C-5
Automatic Make Busy, 3-33
automatic redialing, 3-29, 4-18
Automode, 3-35
Automode (S78), 4-23
Autorate (Dial Line), 3-35, 4-23
Autorate (Leased Line), 3-38, 4-23
backplate DTE assembly, 2-3
Backspace Character, 3-26
Bell modulations, 4-3
Blind Dial Pause, 3-30
Blind Dial Pause (S6), 4-17
blind dialing, 4-6
Break Buffer Control, 3-42
Break Buffer Control (AT\K), 4-14
Break Forces Escape, 3-26
Break Forces Escape (AT\K), 4-14
Busy Tone Detect, 3-31
Busy Tone Detect (ATX), 4-6
2-wire leased line, 2-2
auxiliary, E-2
DTE, 2-4
equipment list, G-1
JM8 to RJ11 crossover, 2-2, E-2
pin assignments, E-1
Call Answer commands (V.25bis), F-3
Call Request commands (V.25bis), F-2
Call Response (V.25bis), F-2
Call Setup branch, 3-9
Call Waiting, 4-3
Callback Security, 7-11
enabling, 7-7
Carriage Return Character, 3-26
Carrier On Level, 3-38
Cellular (Mobile), 3-46
Cellular Enhancement, 3-43
Cellular Enhancement (S91), 4-25
Cellular RJ11 Adapt, 3-46
cellular transmit level, 4-9
Change Directory, 3-10
change S-register, 4-5
character format, 4-2
problems, C-2
Choose Function, 3-15
circuit pack lock, 2-4
Clear Error Buffer (”F), 4-7
clock source (AT&X), 4-12
Clone to Remote, 3-48
Clone to Remote (AT&&P1), 4-7
Command Character Echo, 3-26
Command Character Echo (ATE), 4-4
command echo, C-2
Command mode, 4-1
Command Response (V.25bis), F-4
extended result codes, 3-27
MNP5, 3-40, 4-13
V.42bis, 3-40, 4-7
COMSPHERE 6700 or 6800 Series NMS, 1-1, 3-21,
3-46, 7-10
configuration options, 3-18–3-50
Dial Line, 3-34
DTE Interface, 3-18
editing and saving, 3-16
error control, 3-39
factory defaults (AT&F), 4-8
Leased Line, 3-37
Line Dialer, 3-30
loading (ATZ), 4-6
loading when disconnected (S88), 4-24
Miscellaneous, 3-45
quick display, 3-7
saving (AT&W), 4-11
Security, 7-9
Tests, 3-44
V.42/MNP/Buffer, 3-39
viewing (AT&V), 4-11
Configure branch, 3-15
connect messages, B-1
connect problems, C-3
Control branch, 3-47
copy firmware to remote, 4-7
CTS Control (\D), 3-22, 4-13
Customer configuration areas, 3-15
Data Bits, 3-19
Data mode, 4-1
Data Rate (%B), 4-12
data rates supported, D-1
DATAKIT applications, 4-10, 4-27
DB25 to DB25 cable, 2-4