SDCP Menus
3-193821-A2-GB20-40 January 1999
Table 3-4
(1 of 6)
DTE Interface Configuration Options
Async/Sync Mode: Async
Nxt Async Sync
Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode. Determines whether the modem operates in Asynchronous mode or Synchronous
mode. If the AT command set is enabled and this configuration option is set for Sync, then the modem operates in Async
mode when offline.
For Async Dial and UNIX Dial, Async is the factory default. For Sync Dial and Sync Leased, Sync is the factory default.
AT command equivalents are &M
and &Q
Async DTE Rate:19200
Nxt 19200 115200 76800 57600 38400 14400 12000 9600 7200 4800 2400 1200 0–300
This configuration option only appears if Async/Sync Mode is configured for Async.
Asynchronous DTE Data Rate. Identifies the asynchronous DTE’s operating rate to the modem. Data rates from
115,200 bps to 300 bps are supported.
To originate calls in 76,800 bps Sun Workstation environments, use either SDCP dialing, DTR dialing, or handset dialing.
The modem does not support AT command dialing at this data rate.
To prevent losing data in 115,200 bps applications, DTE cables should be kept as short as possible. For IBM-compatible
PCs, a buffered UART (such as a 16550A) should be used, in conjunction with software that utilizes its 16-byte buffer.
NOTE: This configuration option is ignored in Async Direct mode and synchronous mode since the DTE rate always
equals the VF rate.
The factory default is 19,200 bps.
There is no AT command equivalent; AT prefix determines Async DTE Rate.
Async #Data Bits: 8
Nxt 8 7 9(DirectMde) 6(DirectMde)
This configuration option only appears if Async/Sync Mode is configured for Async or DTE Dialer Type is
Asynchronous Number of Data Bits. Determines if the asynchronous data length is composed of 6, 7, 8, or 9 data bits.
This data length excludes start, parity, and stop bits.
8 – Sets data length to 8 data bits.
7 – Sets data length to 7 data bits.
9(DirectMode) – Sets data length to 9 data bits. Only valid when Error Control configuration option is set to Direct Mode.
6(DirectMode) – Sets data length to 6 data bits. Only valid when Error Control configuration option is set to Direct Mode.
The factory default is 8 data bits.
NOTE: The total character size for Buffer mode must be 10 bits. The total character size for Direct mode must be 11 bits
or less, and Async #Data Bits must be 7 or 8.
There is no AT command equivalent; AT prefix determines the async character length.