10 Personal

Table Of Contents
With our program you can change type of the used file system without destroying its data. While performing
the operation, it first checks the current file system for consistency and then verifies whether the on-partition
data meet the requirements of the desired file system or not. After having passed the testing, the program re-
organizes the file system metadata and user files.
The program enables to convert the following file system types:
- FAT16 > NTFS, FAT32
- FAT32 > NTFS, FAT16
- NTFS > FAT16, FAT32
- Ext2 > Ext3
In order to convert a file system you should take the following steps:
1. Select a partition on the Disk Map.
2. Call the Convert File System of Partition dialog to set up the operation. There are several ways to do it:
Select in the Main menu: Partition > Convert file system…
On the Explorer bar: click on the current file system type.
Call the popup menu for the selected partition (right click of the mouse button) on the Disk Map or
on the Partition List, then select the menu item: Convert File System…
3. Initially the program suggests some consistent values for all parameters. In most cases, you can just press
the Convert button to confirm the operation.
New file system. From the pull-down list choose a file system you would like to convert to. Actually
the program only displays variants available for the operation, taking into account the current
parameters of the selected partition and limitations of the used file system.
New cluster size. Define the cluster size for the partition. This parameter can have a profound effect
on the overall performance. In a nutshell, larger clusters waste more space, but generally provide
for slightly better performance, because of less fragmentation. So be particularly careful with it.
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