Owner's Manual

Problems and Remedies
Unit will not turn on
• Check the setting of the Turn On Options switch. (The front panel On-Off button will be disabled if
this switch is set to Audio or 12 V)
• If using Audio Turn on, try increasing the sensitivity of the audio trigger by turning the audio
threshold knob to the “Quieter” position.
• Check that the rear panel power switch is on and that the AC power is live.
No sound from speakers
• Check that input cables and speaker wires are secure at both ends.
• Make sure the preamplifier is switched to the correct input.
• Is the Hi-Temp light illuminated? Both blue channel indicators should be illuminated. Check for
excessive temperature, short-circuited speaker wires, very low impedance speaker load, and
inadequate ventilation.
• Remove any nearby external sources of heat such other audio equipment or heaters.
• Increase ventilation around the A 23+.
• Check speakers for faults.
Background Hum or Hiss
• If you have cable or satellite TV, try disconnecting the incoming TV or satellite cable; if the hum is
eliminated you will need a Cable TV Ground Isolator which can be purchased online.
Light dimmers can cause noise in your audio system. Try turning lights that are controlled by
dimmers all the way off. If the hum goes away the problem is electrical noise the dimmers
introduce into your home’s AC power.
Ground loops are also a common cause of hum and buzzing noise. Finding a ground loop
requires a patient process of elimination. Unplug your source components one at a time. When
the hum goes away you’ve identified the source of the ground loop. You might be able to stop the
hum by attaching a wire from the chassis of the offending component to the chassis or ground
screw of your preamplifier.
• Move audio cables and AC cords apart from each other.
• Try different routes for the audio cables and AC cords.
• Make sure plastic insulating shoulder washers are used if unit is rack mounted.