User's Manual

Sistema FIREMASTER III "Millennium" Manuale di istruzioni
In the example above, the Remote Unit #3 has been checked and it sent back all
data contained in its memory : sequence (SEQ) and relative time (TIME) for all
lines eventually defined as "timed sequence". The following real-time
measurements have also been received and displayed: SYSTEM battery voltage
(VSYS), LINE battery voltage (VFIRE), RECEIVED radio signal strength
(RSSIunit), intensity of the radio signal SENT BACK (RSSImain) and ohmic
resistance of each firing line (RES).
Note as, while the real-time measurements, represent the actual values read
during the Unit check (they can vary at each new query), all data relative to the
firing lines are permanently stored inside the Unit memory and will remain
unchanged until the operator will overwrite it using the specific commands.
Due to the limited space on the graphic LCD screen, it is impossible to display at
the same time the situation of all 24 lines for the Remote Unit under test. The
data relative to the first 12 (1 to 12) lines will be shown and the operator can
visualize the remaining 12 (13 to 24), using the F10 key "PGdw". Using F11
"Pgup" the first 12 lines can be visualized again. Note as these operations produce
just a change in displaying data and NOT A NEW DATA REQUEST to the
Remote Unit that already sent all data since the first call.