User's Manual

Sistema FIREMASTER III "Millennium" Manuale di istruzioni
When the keyswitch is turned on the "FIRE" position, the transmitter of the Base
Unit TX2000, immediately starts to send automatically a special code ("watch
dog"). This code is sent at regular intervals of about 5 seconds: the "TX R.F."
green LED will flash shortly each time.
This signal is received at the same time by ALL REMOTE UNITS being active
and is used to notify as the TX2000 transmitter is ACTIVE and in FIRE mode. All
remote Units will use this signal only during the execution of a TIMED
SEQUENCE. During the execution of these "rapid" sequences in fact the Base
Unit TX2000 sends just the FIRST SHOT of the sequence, while all successive
shots are controlled automatically following the time parameters stored inside each
Remote Unit. In these conditions the Base Unit couldn't have no longer control
over the execution of timed sequences of some length: this is clearly in contrast with
the safety rules. In fact: should the Base Unit be suddenly damaged while a long
timed sequence is running, there will be no way to stop the show (and since it is in
theory possible to build a whole show with a single timed sequence, one can easily
understand as this situation could be extremely dangerous!). The watch dog signal
has been introduced in order to overcome this unlucky possibility: In fact: should
the Base Unit stop for any reason (failure, destruction, power fail, etc.) to operate,
the watch dog signal will also immediately cease. All the Remote Units are
programmed in such a way to STOP IMMEDIATELY ANY FIRE ACTIVITY
when at least two successive watch dog signals are lost. This function grants,
when the operator's has no longer control over the show, that any timed sequence
will be automatically interrupted within 10 seconds maximum (2 watch dog
The operator shouldn't be afraid seeing, when the keyswitch is in FIRE position,
the "TX R.F." LED flashing even if no command has been issued! (on the
contrary: he should be afraid if NOT!)
The operator can at any moment abort any timed sequence IMMEDIATELY
simply switching the key on the "TEST-SAFE" position . In this case the Base Unit
TX2000 will send A SPECIFIC "TURN-OFF" CODE that is received
immediately and recognized by ALL Remote Units.