User's Manual

Sistema FIREMASTER III "Millennium" Manuale di istruzioni
the charge level sufficient: this situation is indicated turning ON (steady) the
corresponding green LED.
When a battery fails to pass the test above, two cases are possible:
- the battery is still efficient but requires charging
- the battery is failed and must be DISCARDED
During the successive charging process, the proper condition will be discriminated.
5.3.4 CHARGE
The Battery Pack must be first connected to the mains: the green LED
"CHARGE" will turn ON. If, during the previous charge cycle, a power fail
should occurred, the "CHARGE" LED will be RED blinking slow: this is just a
warning and doesn't prevent the charge process. If otherwise, during the power
ON, the "CHARGE" LED should be RED BLINKING FAST, then the line
voltage is TOO LOW and the charge process cannot take place.
Press "CHARGE" key for one second: a test of the batteries will be repeated but
using different parameters (see table). All batteries that shouldn't pass this test,
will be indicated by the corresponding LED turning ON with RED light
(FAULT): these batteries will be NOT charged being considered FAILED and
If the second test is passed, the charge process will take place automatically and it
will stop when the full charge is reached. The charge process stops anyway after 12
hours even if the full charge has been not reached: in this case an ERROR
condition will be displayed.
When the charge process is over, a final test is carried-out (using even different
parameters) and eventual error conditions will be indicated turning ON accordingly
the RED LED's.
TO REST THE ERROR CONDITIONS (the status is permanently stored in
memory) THE "CHARGE" key must be held down for at least 5 seconds, wait for
the automatic test cycle to be executed and finally make a MANUAL TEST cycle
using the TEST key.