User's Manual

Sistema FIREMASTER III "Millennium" Manuale di istruzioni
The following rules and suggestions should be accurately followed in order
to be compliant with most obvious safety rules, to avoid serious and
permanent damage to the FIREMASTER system and to obtain always the
best performance:
1) Avoid any water spillage or spray on the front-panel of the Remote
Units RX24B (also on the TX2000 of course!). The Units are NOT
COMPLETELY WATERPROOF. Dry immediately any Unit that
accidentally received a spray of fresh water or rain. Disconnect and
dispose any Unit wet of SEAWATER: these Units must have service as
soon as possible to clean out the internal circuits.
2) Never clean the front panels using solvents such as: alcohol, organic
solvents, acids or alkali. The panels must be cleaned using a soft cloth or
paper tissue wet with a little neutral detergent (no foaming type). Avoid
to scratch the surfaces!
3) During the show execution, protect the Remote Units RX-24B the
burning fallout using the aluminum covers provided with lateral slits for
the cable passage. For an increased protection and to save the cover
paint, special fiberglass covers can be obtained upon request from the
manufacturer or the local representative.
4) Avoid if possible to place the Remote Units RX-24B directly on the
ground (in particular if it is frozen, wet or muddy). The Units should be
always placed at least 50cm - 1 meter ABOVE THE GROUND using
adequate supports not flammable: avoid thus cardboard, plastics or
wood boxes!
5) Use ONLY ONE ANTENNA AT THE TIME. Using two antennas at
the same time (the availability of two separate connectors could suggest
to do that!), other than reducing quite to zero the transmitter efficiency,
could impair permanently the transmitter circuitry.
6) Never use the System Units (both the RX-24B and the TX2000)
without the antenna connected.
7) Never use the System exposing it for long periods to extreme
temperatures (above 35°C or below 0°C).
8) The Units must be stored in a dry place with an ambient temperature
between 5°C and 30°C (maximum limits).
9) Avoid to charge the internal batteries for more than 24 hours (forcing the
repetition of the charge cycle). The internal charge supervisor limits the
charge time to 12 hours maximum.
10) Switch OFF all the Units before the storage in the shelf
11) Replace immediately all faulty batteries or the ones suspected to have
poor performance (the cost of a battery doesn't worth a fiasco!)
12) Dispose the discarded batteries following the local rules for recycling
this type of material.
13) Let always enough space around the antennas. It is a good rule to avoid
the presence of large metal surfaces far less than 10 meters from the