User's Guide

Supply Fuses
13 Three fuses are fitted to the equipments rear panel (see Fig. 4):
The ac input supply fuse F3 (fitted in the ac input connector).
The dc input fuse F1.
The dc equipment fuse F2.
14 Noting that different value ac input supply fuses are fitted dependent on the local ac supply, ensure
that the fuses conform to the values detailed in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2 Rear Panel Fuse Ratings
Fuse Rating Size PAE Part Number
Fuse 1
Fuse 2
Fuse 3 (110/120 V)
Fuse 3 (220/240 V)
20 amp. F20A 32 V BS
4 amp. F4A 250 V IEC
8 amp. T8A 250 V IEC
4 amp. T4A 250 V IEC
Size 0 (1¼ inch)
20 mm
20 mm
20 mm
ac Supply Connection
This equipment must be earthed. The earth terminal of the ac connector should be
used as the safety earth.
A chassis stud, marked is fitted to the equipment’s rear panel. This stud is for
connecting the equipment to the equipment rack or user’s system earth point. The
stud is not intended to be used as the safety earth.
15 The ac supply connector is fitted to the radio’s rear panel (see Fig. 4). The minimum rating of the ac
supply cable is: 3-core (to IEC227) rated 250 V ac at 13 amps, and having a minimum cross-sectional
area of 1.25 mm
per core. PAE recommends the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cable. The cable must
be fitted with an IEC approved equipment connector (for example, PAE part number 20-02030102) and
conform to the following specification.
If PVC insulated, be not lighter than ordinary polyvinyl chloride sheathed flexible cord
according to IEC publication 227 (designation H05 VV-F, or H05 VVH2-F).
If rubber insulated, be of synthetic rubber and not lighter than ordinary tough rubber-sheathed
flexible cord according to IEC Publication 245: Rubber Insulated Cables of Rated Voltages up
to and including 450/750 V, (designation H05 RR-F).
3000DV2 Radios Section 3
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