User's Guide

Remote Control Connections
40 As an alternative to local operation, the equipment can be operated from a remote position using a
PAE 3000V2 Series Remote Control Unit (RCU). Connections to the RCU are made from the radio’s
rear panel 9-way D-type remote connector CN5 (see Fig. 4).
41 The pin-out of the remote connector is detailed in Table 3-6. Pins 1 to 4 and 9 are used by all
models; pins 5 and 6 by transceivers and receivers only, and pins 7 and 8 by transceivers and
transmitters only.
42 When making connections to rear panel D-type connectors, and in order not to compromise the
equipment’s Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), users must:
use a D-type connector that has a screened cover.
use screened multi-way cable, with the cable’s screen connected to the connector’s shell or
Table 3-6 Remote Connector (CN5) Pin-Out
Pin Function Description
AC Control DC Control
Transmit data
Transmit data
Receive data
Receive data
CCITT V23 serial interface
over ac lines with maximum
line loss of 17 dB
Serial RS422 interface for
operation up to 2 km when
used with PAE 3000V2 Series
Remote Control Unit (RCU)
Receive audio line L1
Receive audio line L1
4-wire operation. 600 ohm
Operating line level with
Automatic Level Control
(ALC) is -13 dBm.
PTT signal is a 2930 Hz
tone superimposed on the
audio circuit.
Line output adjustable
between -20 dBm and
+10 dBm
Transmitter audio line L1
Transmitter audio line L2
Line input adjustable
between -20 dBm and
+10 dBm
0 volt connection Ground Ground
3000DV2 Radios Section 3
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