User's Guide

72 The following checks are for transceivers and transmitters only. At the front panel TX control pad
set the FWD button to its on position, indicated by the associated indicator being lit (refer to Figs. 1
and 2). Operate the PTT button (red) and confirm that a reading of approximately 40 W (AM) or 60 W
(FM) is indicated on the front panel MONITOR display, unless connected to a serviceable 3640 power
amplifier in which case a reading of approximately 40 W AM and FM is indicated.
73 Connect a microphone (with integral PTT switch) to the front panel MIC/HEADSET socket, set the
MOD button to its on position, operate the PTT and speak into the microphone (maintaining a constant
tone). Confirm that a reading of greater than 30(%) is indicated in the MONITOR display, release the
PTT switch.
74 Remove the dummy load and reconnect the antenna. Carry out an interruptive BIT test as detailed
in section 4, operating instructions.
Section 3 3000DV2 Radios
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