User's Guide

Mainframe Controls and Indicators
41 The mainframe controls and
indicators (see Fig. 4-4) comprise a
monitor display, BIT controls, audio
controls, and supply on/off switches.
42 The test key is used to start an
interruptive self-test routine. During this
routine, normal operation of the equipment
is suspended and the test indicator
flashes. Details of this test routine can be
found in this section under the heading:
Built-in Test (BIT) operation.
43 The memory (mem) key is used to
indicate the contents of the equipment’s
fault memory store. Successive presses of
the memory key displays (in the monitor
display) fault conditions found during BIT
routines. Details of the fault memory can
be found in this section under the heading:
Built-in Test (BIT) operation.
44 The reset (RESET) key is used to clear the monitor display. The second function (s), RESET key
sequence clears the BIT memory. The second function (s), RESET key sequence also resets the
bypass of a 3640 power amplifier if in fault and Ebit displayed, this will put the 3640 back into normal
mode once the fault on the 3640 is cleared.
DIM Control
45 A rotary control that adjusts the brilliance of the front panel indicators. This control should be
adjusted for optimum brilliance according to ambient lighting conditions.
VOL Control
46 Turning the volume control clockwise increases the volume of the received audio at the speaker or
headset dependent upon the setting of the speaker/headset switch.
47 A seven-pin connector that allows a microphone/headset to be connected. Details of the pin-outs
can be found in section 3 of this handbook.
Speaker/Off switch
48 When in the SPEAKER position selects the loudspeaker to receive the audio output of the receiver.
In this position Tx sidetone is not available on the mic/headset socket. In the OFF position the
mic/headset socket headphone output receives the audio output of the receiver and Tx sidetone.
Section 4 3000DV2 Radios
Page 10
Fig. 4-4 Mainframe Controls and Indicators