User's Guide

55 The equipments’ rear panel layout is shown in Fig. 4. Connector CN6 is reserved for future
development. The other connectors are described in the following paragraphs.
AC Supply
56 3-pin connector (with integral fuse) for the ac mains supply. The fuse rating must be selected
according to the local ac supply; details of fuse ratings are given in section 3 of this handbook.
DC Supply
57 3-pin connector (only 2 pins are used) for the connection of the incoming dc supply.
Remote Control Connector CN5
58 The remote control 9-way D-type connector is used to connect a PAE type 3000V2 remote control
unit (RCU). When an RCU is connected users must ensure that the identification code is correctly set
(see section 3). details of the connector’s pin-out is also given in section 3 of this handbook.
Facilities 2 Connector CN2
59 Facilities 2 is a 25-way D-type connector used to connect external control and monitoring signals.
The pin-out of this connector and a description of the external signals can be found in section 3 of this
MPA/Filter Interface Connector CN3
60 The MPA/filter interface connector is a 37 way D type used to interface the equipment to external
filter/amplifiers (option 06).
Ext Clock CN4
61 The Ext Clock (external clock) connector is a 15-way D-type used to connect an external timing
Section 4 3000DV2 Radios
Page 12