User's Manual

T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 15 Maintenance
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To refit the power supply modules:
(1) With the transmitter on its side hold each power supply near to its securing position in the top half
of the radio.
(2) Slide back the terminal block cover and connect the ac wires to the three connector terminal
block (marked L N E); brown to terminal L, blue to terminal N and yellow/green to terminal E.
(3) Connect the dc wires to the eight connector terminal block, red to terminal 1 and terminal 2 and
black to terminal 5 and terminal 6.
(4) Connect CN4.
(5) Taking care not to damage the plastic supply guard, lower the power supply into position and
secure from the bottom half of the unit using two countersunk screws, previously removed, for
each power supply.
(6) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.
(7) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Power switch.
(8) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.
(9) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 5.
(10) Set the rear panel Power switch to Standby. Isolate the transmitter from the ac and/or dc
(11) Refit the transmitter top and bottom covers. The transmitter can now be returned to service.