User's Manual

Function 12 - Setting the terminal number and town identifier
Enter the parking terminal number - e.g. 25340002. The number is on the
statistics ticket and is the same as the number on the plate on the housing, if there
is such a plate. It is the reference in the Parkfolio system and for other
administrative purposes.
Key "V".
The last four figures flash .....................................enter "2" then "".
The first four figures flash.....................................enter "2534" then "V".
Function 14 - Setting the ticket stock level
This function makes the green warning LED go on when the ticket stock drops to a
certain level.
When you change the ticket roll, press T and validate the ticket roll change by
pressing key V. The counter is reset to 9999.
After that, the terminal will count down every printed ticket. At the end of the
roll, there is:
a double black dot meaning that 500 tickets are remaining, which sets the
counter to 499;
a triple black dot meaning that 200 tickets are remaining, which sets the
counter to 199.
That means that for an alarm over 499, e.g. 600, you must calculate as follows:
(9999 - 4500 (roll with 4500 tickets)) + 600 = 6099
That means that for a roll with 4500 tickets and a 600-ticket alarm, the limit must
be set to 6099.
COUNT 0000
Enter "6099" then "V".
For an alarm below 500, enter the desired value.
E.g. for 180 tickets, enter "0180", and "V".
Function 26 - Copy of collection ticket
This function is used to print a copy of the collection ticket to facilitate
administrative and financial tracking of the parking terminal.
Strada Rapide - Operation manual