User's Manual

User guide
Parrot Easy
English Français Español Deutsch Italiano Nederlands
Recording keywords
Click the central button - the kit says
"Language" and then the name of the language
currently used by the kit.
Turn the scroll wheel until the kit says
"Record keywords". Confirm by clicking the central
button or green button.
If one or more keywords have already been recorded,
the kit selects the first keyword not to have been
Press the central button or green button to start
recording. Follow the instructions given by the kit.
When a keyword has been successfully recorded, the
kit automatically moves to the next keyword.
When all keywords have been recorded correctly, the
kit automatically activates them.
You can exit the menu at any time by pressing the red
button and record or re-record the keywords at a later
Magic words are used to accept an incoming call or
end a call, as well as activate the voice recognition
feature without taking your hands off the wheel.
Click the central button - the kit says
"Language" and then the name of the language
currently used by the kit.
Turn the scroll wheel until the kit says
"Magic words" and the current status
"Activated" or "De-activated".
If you are happy with the status, you can go to the
next menu by turning the scroll wheel or exit the menu
by clicking the red button.
If you wish to change the status, click the central
button or green button. The status changes. It changes
from "Activated" or "De-activated" or vice-versa. The kit
announces the new status.
If you choose to activate the magic words but have not
yet recorded the words "Phone" and/or "Hang up", the
kit automatically switches to record mode. The kit
guides you through the process for recording the magic
Once the magic words have been successfully
recorded, they will be activated.
- Phone - Hang up - Home* - Mobile*- Work*- General* - Others*
* These words are only available on certain phones.
Projet1.qxp 04/05/2005 18:49 Page 16