User's Guide

From the list view, you can sort and search available shipments to find a particular shipment
you’re interested in viewing.
By clicking a given shipment, you will be taken to the Shipment Details page which shows more
granular recordings and events from the shipment, including all configured variables recorded
for the shipment in a line graph display.
You can see your shipment data overlaid on top of your expected ranges (shown in grey) as an
option for your graph display. Additionally, all thresholds breached in transit are listed as
excursions in the Activity Feed on the right-hand side of the screen.
Users can also see basic overviews of the shipment statistics such as Max/Min/Average
Temperatures, Time Above and Below Threshold etc. And they have the option to filter their graph
to learn more about specific time periods during transit. Users also have the option to download
the data collected during transit via the ‘Download CSV’ icon in the top right corner of the
shipment details screen.