User Manual

Say goodbye to knitter's block
To t average Lady (Man).
Version 1: Regular t.
Version 2: Slouchy t.
26 sts and 34 rows = 4" (10 cm) with larger
needles in stocking st.
The instructions are written for smaller size.
If changes are necessary for larger size the
instructions will be written thus ( ). Numbers
for each size are shown in the same color
throughout the pattern. When only one number
is given in black, it applies to both sizes.
Version 1 (Regular Fit)
**With smaller circular needle, cast on 128
(136) sts. Join for working in rnd placing
marker on rst st.
Work 4" [10 cm] in (K2. P2) ribbing.**
Change to larger circular needle and knit
in rnds until work from beg measures 6½"
[16.5 cm].
***Dec as follows, changing to set of 4 double-
pointed needles where appropriate:
1st rnd: *K2tog. K28 (30). ssk. Rep from *
around. 120 (128) sts.
2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th and 14th
rnds: Knit.
3rd rnd: *K2tog. K26 (28). ssk. Rep from *
around. 112 (120) sts.
5th rnd: *K2tog. K24 (26). ssk. Rep from *
around. 104 (112) sts.
7th rnd: *K2tog. K22 (24). ssk. Rep from *
around. 96 (104) sts.
9th rnd: *K2tog. K20 (22). ssk. Rep from *
around. 88 (96) sts.
11th rnd: *K2tog. K18 (20). ssk. Rep from *
around. 80 (88) sts.
13th rnd: *K2tog. K16 (18). ssk. Rep from *
around. 72 (80) sts.
15th rnd: *K2tog. K14 (16). ssk. Rep from *
around. 64 (72) sts.
16th rnd: *K2tog. K12 (14). ssk. Rep from *
around. 56 (64) sts.
17th rnd: *K2tog. K10 (12). ssk. Rep from *
around. 48 (56) sts.
18th rnd: *K2tog. K8 (10). ssk. Rep from *
around. 40 (48) sts.
19th rnd: *K2tog. K6 (8). ssk. Rep from *
around. 32 (40) sts.
20th rnd: *K2tog. K4 (6). ssk. Rep from *
around. 24 (32) sts.
21st rnd: *K2tog. K2 (4). ssk. Rep from *
around. 16 (24) sts.
Man’s Size only: 22nd rnd: *K2tog. K2. ssk.
Rep from * around. 16 sts.
Both sizes: Break yarn. Thread end through
rem sts. Draw up tightly and fasten securely.***
Version 2 (Slouchy Fit)
Work from ** to ** as given for Version 1.
Change to larger circular needle and knit
in rnds until work from beg measures 11"
[28 cm].
Work from *** to *** as given for Version 1.
1 of 1
Patons® Kroy Socks
(1.75 oz/50 g; 166 yds/152 m)
Version 1 Version 2
Sizes Lady (Man) Lady (Man)
55048 (Grey Brown Marl) or
55102 (Blue Striped Ragg) 1 (1) 2 (2) ball(s)
Sizes U.S. 3 (3.25 mm) and U.S. 5 (3.75 mm) circular knitting needles 16” [40 cm] long and set of
four size U.S. 5 (3.75 mm) double-pointed knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge.
Stitch marker.
Alt = Alternate(ing).
Beg = Beginning.
Cont = Continue(ity).
Dec = Decrease(ing).
Inc(s) = Increase 1 stitch by
knitting into front and back
of next stitch.
K = Knit.
K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches
P = Purl.
Pat = Pattern.
P2tog = Purl next 2 stitches
Rem = Remaining.
Rep = Repeat.
RS = Right side.
Ssk = Slip next 2 stitches
knitwise one at a time. Pass
them back onto left-hand
needle, then knit through
back loops together.
St(s) = Stitch(es).
WS = Wrong side.
Version 2Version 1

Summary of content (1 pages)