Printer Packet Reference Manual

Step 2. Select a Printer
Select a specific printer by sending this immediate command:
^ADxxxxxx, where ^ is the defined immediate command
character, and xxxxxx is the printer’s address in ASCII. See
"Using Immediate Commands," in Chapter 3 for more
information. To read the hexadecimal address found on the
test label, convert it to the ASCII equivalent.
After you send this immediate command, the selected printer
remains active until a different printer is selected or you turn
the printer off. You must send this immediate command before
the printer can process status polling, job request, format,
batch, or any other MPCLII packets.
Example ^ADABC123
Selects the ABC123 printer. The ABC123 printer is ready to
receive status polling/job requests, or any MPCLII packets.
Step 3. Select the Battery Voltage
Selecting the battery voltage is required only for the 9490
printers used with the Station, because a 12-volt battery
powers all the printers on the Station. Print a test label to
verify which voltage is selected. The battery voltage selection
is printed after the model number on the test label. See
"Printing a Test Label" in Chapter 8 for more information. You
can change the battery voltage by sending the print control
Selecting the proper voltage detects low-battery conditions, so
you know when to recharge the battery. If you remove the
9490 printer from the Station, select the 15-volt battery.
Syntax {I,C,contrast,print
ust, supply
voltage p }
See "Defining the Print Control Packet" in Chapter 3 for more
Appendix E. Addressing a 9490 Printer