Printer Packet Reference Manual

F5. parity Parity. Options:
0 None (default for all printers)
1 ODD parity
2 EVEN parity
F6. flow_control Flow Control. Options:
0 None
1 DTR (default for all printers)
NOTE: If you use the DOS COPY command to download
your formats, set "Flow Control" to DTR (not
F6. pr_address Printer’s address. Only valid on the 9490 printer used
with the Mobile Printing Station. Can be any six-byte
string in the 0 to 255 decimal range enclosed by quotes.
We recommend setting the printer’s address to the
printable alphanumeric ASCII values (0-9; A-Z; a-z). This
avoids any conflict with the control characters (ENQ,
parameter separators, etc.) and is easily interpreted.
Example {I,F,3,1,0,0,1,"ABC123" p }
Uses 9600 baud, an 8-bit word length, one stop bit, no parity,
DTR mode, and sets one 9490 printer’s address to ABC123.
MPCLII Packet Reference Manual