Developer's Guide

Table Of Contents
Adaptive Payments Developer Guide August 7, 2012 241
GetFundingPlans API Operation
PPFault Message
FaultMessage Fields
ErrorData Fields
Field Description
error common:ErrorData
Detailed error information.
responseEnvelope common:ResponseEnvelope
Common response information, including a timestamp and the response
acknowledgement status.
Field Description
category common:ErrorCategory
The location where the error occurred.
Possible values are:
System – The system encountered errors; try again
Application – The application encountered errors; try again
Request – The request was incorrect
domain xs:string
The domain to which this service belongs.
errorId xs:long
A 6-digit number that uniquely identifies a particular error.
exceptionID This field is not used.
message xs:string
A description of the error.
parameter common:ErrorParameter
Represents contextual information about the error.