User Guide

Table Of Contents
Using Mass Payments in Your PayPal Account
Creating the Payment File
12 January 2013 Mass Payments User Guide
Each line in the payment file represents one recipient and at minimum must contain the
recipient’s identification, the amount to pay, and the currency type. You can also provide
custom information, if necessary.
For a description of the fields you can include, see “Payment File Contents” on page 12. For
instructions on preparing the payment file, see “Preparing the Payment File” on page 14.
Payment File Contents
The payment file contains the following information:
Payment File Contents
You can have only one recipient type and one currency type per payment file. If you need to
send Mass Payments to some recipients with email addresses and some with PayPal account
IDs, you must create separate payment files for each type. If you need to send Mass Payments
with multiple currency types, you must create separate payment files for each currency.
Currency Types
You can have only one currency type per payment file. Currency type codes are not case
sensitive. For example, both usd and USD codes are acceptable for U.S. Dollars.
In general, you can send Mass Payments using most currencies. However, there are a few
countries that place limitations on how their currency can be used or exchanged. If your Mass
Payment request does not comply with the currency restrictions of your country, that portion
Item Description
Recipient (Required)
Unique identifier for the recipient, one of the following:
Email address
PayPal account ID
If you are using Mass Payments in conjunction with Express Checkout or the
Authorization API., the PayPal ID is returned.
Telephone number
The telephone number is the users mobile number.
Payment Amount (Required)
Amount of the recipient’s payment.
Currency Type (Required)
Three-letter currency code.
NOTE: Payments in different currencies must have separate payment files.
For a list of the valid codes, see “Currencies and Currency Codes” on page 39.
Customer ID (Optional)
Unique identifier. It has a 30-character maximum and cannot contain any spaces.
Custom Note (Optional)
Additional information to the customer.