Processor Setup
American Express
6 PayPal Processor Setup Guide
American Express
Complete this form and fax it to PayPal services at 303-395-2851. Once the form is received,
your account is updated, and you will receive a confirmation by email. Fields marked with an
* are required.
* PayPal Login ID: __________________________________________
Merchant Bank Information
Merchant Bank (Acquirer) Name: _______________________________________
Merchant Account Number: ____________________________________________
Merchant Bank Phone Number: _________________________________________
Processor Information
PayPal services requires the following information to setup your account with American
Express. You can obtain this information by contacting your merchant bank or American
Express at 800-528-5200.
* Merchant ID #/SE#: ________________________________________(9-11 digits)
* SIC (Category Code): ________________________________________ (4 digits)
* Business Name: _______________________________________ (20 characters)
* Business City: _________________________________________(18 characters)
* Business State: _________________________ (2 characters, for example - CA)
* Business Zip Code: _________________________________ (5 digit or 9 digits)