User Guide

Table Of Contents
Button Manager API Reference
BMUpdateButton API Operation
30 April 2012 Button Manager NVP API
BUTTONTYPE (Required) The kind of button you want to update. It is one of the following
BUYNOW - Buy Now button
CART - Add to Cart button
GIFTCERTIFICATE - Gift Certificate button
SUBSCRIBE - Subscribe button
DONATE - Donate button
UNSUBSCRIBE - Unsubscribe button
VIEWCART - View Cart button
PAYMENTPLAN - Installment Plan button; since version 63.0
AUTOBILLING - Automatic Billing button; since version 63.0
NOTE: You cannot change the kind of button after the button has been
BUTTONCODE (Optional) The kind of button code to create. It is one of the following values:
HOSTED - A secure button stored on PayPal; default for all buttons except
View Cart and Unsubscribe
ENCRYPTED - An encrypted button, not stored on PayPal; default for View
Cart button
CLEARTEXT - An unencrypted button, not stored on PayPal; default for
Unsubscribe button
NOTE: You cannot change the kind of button code after after the button has
been created.
BUTTONSUBTYPE (Optional) The use of button you want to create. It is one of the following
PRODUCTS - button is used to purchase products; default for Buy Now and
Add to Cart buttons
SERVICES - button is used to purchase services
NOTE: You cannot change the button usage after after the button has been
n (Optional) HTML standard button variables
It is a list of variables, in which
n is a digit between 0 and 999, inclusive; do
not include leading zeros.
Character length and limitations: 63 single-byte alphanumeric characters each
n xs:string
(Optional) Text description for a menu item
It is a list of variables, in which
n is a digit between 0 and 1, inclusive.
BUTTONIMAGE (Optional) The kind of button image. It is one of the following values:
REG - regular; default
SML - small
CC - small button image with credit card logos; not applicable for
Unsubscribe or View Cart buttons
NOTE: Specify either the kind of button image or the URL.
Field Description