User Guide

Table Of Contents
Button Manager API Reference
BMSetInventory API Operation
42 April 2012 Button Manager NVP API
BMSetInventory Request
BMSetInventory Response
BMSetInventory Errors
BMSetInventory Request
The request specifies inventory values related to a hosted button as well as inventory values
that are specific to each menu item.
BMSetInventory Request Fields
Field Description
METHOD (Required) BMSetInventory
HOSTEDBUTTONID (Required) The ID of the hosted button whose inventory you want to set.
TRACKINV (Required) Whether to track inventory levels associated with the button. It is
one of the following values:
0 - do not track inventory
1 - track inventory
TRACKPNL (Required) Whether to track the gross profit associated with inventory
changes. It is one of the following values:
0 - do not track the gross profit
1 - track the gross profit
NOTE: The gross profit is calculated as the price of the item less its cost,
multiplied by the change in the inventory level since the last call to
OPTIONNAMEINDEX (Optional) Option index, which identifies the button. Option index 0 is the
menu that contains the price if one exists; otherwise, it is the first menu
without a price.
Character length and limitations: 1 single-byte alphanumeric character
SOLDOUTURL (Optional) The URL to which the buyers browser is redirected when the
inventory drops to 0.
NOTE: Specifying a URL in this field also prevents a sale when the inventory
drops to 0; otherwise, sales can continue even when inventory is
Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
REUSEDIGITALDOWNLOADKEYS (Optional) Whether to reuse download keys:
0 - do not reuse keys (default)
1 - reuse keys
NOTE: If you do not reuse the download keys, you must replenish the keys
when you sell out of the product being downloaded.