Maintenance Guide

Cobham Wireless
idDAS Installation and Maintenance Guide 00109GU Rev. 2.0
Page | 90 Connecting Alarms
To connect the dry-contact alarms
1. Open the repeater door using the provided key – Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3.
2. Route your alarms cable (not provided) to the inside of the repeater, via the Ext Alarms aperture
located on the front panel – Figure 5-32.
3. Inside the repeater, route the cable and wiring towards the alarms connector – Figure 5-33.
Figure 5-32. Front Panel Example Showing Location of Power Connector
Figure 5-33: Dry Contact Alarms Internal Connector
4. Wire the alarms to the connector according to Figure 5-34. The figure provides an example of two
active low alarms connections.
Note the following:
x For idRU-30, four alarms are available for connection.
x For idRU-40 models with fan-hood, Ext-4 (Pin-7 and Pin-8), is factory connected as a fan-hood
alarm. Do not modify any factory connections.
x Verify that each connected alarm is grounded to the same ground as the idRU chassis ground.
x Pins A and B (voltage and ground connections) for each alarm can be reversed: i.e. GND can be
connected to either Pin-A or Pin-B.
Pin 1
Aperture for routing
External Alarms wires
Open the
repeater door