Maintenance Guide

Cobham Wireless
idDAS Installation and Maintenance Guide 00109GU Rev. 2.0
Page | 114
To replace an APOI Control module
1. The ID of the suspect Control module will be required for the replacement procedure. Note the ID
provided by the suspect APOI Control module by doing the following:
x Open a session to the idDAS web management application.
x Access the Inventory screen and note the ID of the APOI hosting the suspect Control module.
Refer to Section 6.9.3 for details.
2. Open a session to the APOI and back-up the configuration of the APOI using the Cluster level
Configuration Backup and Restore option. Refer to following sections:
x Section for a description of the APOI Cluster Level Backup and Restore options
x Section for instructions on how to perform the configuration backup
3. Remove the suspect Control module as follows:
x Disconnect the Ethernet jumper connecting the Control module Eth port to the adjacent
Display and Switch Module. (There is no need to label the cable).
x Using the T8 screw driver, loosen the 2x captive screws, and gently and evenly pull the suspect
Control module out by its bottom tab.
x Place the suspect module in the packaging of the replacement module.
Figure 6-14. Removing the Control Module
4. Gently but firmly insert the new Control module in the
same slot
previously occupied by the suspect
module and tighten the x2 captive screws using a torque of 078 Nm. (Do not reconnect the Eth jumper
at this point).
5. Referring to Figure 6-15, determine the IP to be assigned to the new Control card as follows:
x Access the idDAS Inventory screen according to Section 6.9.3.
x Note the MSDH-M IP Address.
Disconnect Eth jumper
(Can be reconnected to
any of the four ports
Captive Screw
Captive Screw