Maintenance Guide

Cobham Wireless
idDAS Installation and Maintenance Guide 00109GU Rev. 2.0
Page | 22
Dual-System Redundancy 2.4.2
The dual-system redundancy driven topology provides full, end-to-end redundancy consists of two
independent systems, where only one of the systems transmits RF at any one time. By default, the user
designated ‘Active’ system transmits RF, and the designated Standby system is muted. If a fault is detected,
switchover occurs.
Each system consists of an independent set of BTS, MTDI, MSDH, and idRU units. Both systems are
connected to the same IP network via a switch and are configured to communicate with each other, in order
to continually analyze conditions and perform the required redundancy related procedures.
If an issue such as an unavailable RF source or CPRI is detected, failover occurs
to the other system
and the
appropriate alarms are generated. Failover occurs only after the availability of the alternate resource is
verified. Once the issue causing failover has been resolved, fallback occurs automatically by default. Fallback
can also be user configured to occur manually upon user command.
NOTE: Each system is installed as a standard system and both systems are connected to the network. The
dual-system topology is implemented by configuring the required parameters via the Web management
application. The procedure is described in the idDAS Commissioning Guide.
The following figure illustrates a basic dual-system redundancy installation that includes one MSDH and one
MTDI per system.
Figure 2-7. Example of A Basic idDAS Dual-system Redundancy Topology