User's Manual

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Explanation of Echo
Wireless Sensor Parameters
Sensor ID The Sensor ID is a unique ID programmed and etched onto each sensor at
the factory. This number cannot be changed.
Transmission Interval The Transmission Interval is the time between transmissions.
The factory default level is 8 hours, that is the sensor will “wake up” and make a
measurement every 8 hours (3 times per day). At the default 8 hour transmission interval
the primary lithium-ion batteries are expected to last 5 to 10 years.
Decreasing the Transmission Interval will provide data more often;
however, transmitting more often will decrease battery life. Keep in
mind “more data is not better data” and may be more than you can
process and manage.
RVL (Residual Vibration Level) This is the minimum Residual Vibration (that is,
vibration that is currently present) for the sensor to wake up and make a measurement. If
the current vibration is below the RVL, the sensor will assume the equipment is turned
off and will not waste battery power transmitting unusable data. If the value is set to “0”
this feature is disabled and will always make a measurement.
CF Report Threshold Because crest factor is the ratio of true peak divided by RMS
vibration, in some instances where the RMS value is extremely low (such as slow speed
equipment) the crest factor will appear exceptionally high. This report factor is the
minimum RMS level in g for the Crest Factor to be reported.
Saving Changes to the Echo
Click the “Set” button next to each field you wish to update. The new value will be
saved in the Echo
Sensor. To verify the programming has been saved click “Link to
” and verify the desired values re-populate the fields.
When you are satisfied with the programming of the sensor, click the X close button in
the upper right hand corner of the window.