Integration Guide

Referenced Documents
Document Description Version
RM-WIFI-AC-2x2-HP Datasheet 2x2, 802.11ac Wave 2 WiFi 1.0
Radio Module
1. Overview
RM-WIFI-AC-2x2-HP 802.11ac Wave 2 Radio Module is built in a
standard mini-card format following the mini-PCIe interface standard. The radio
module features true enterprise-class specications including high TX output
power and support for all 802.11ac channel denitions up to and including 80 MHz
The radio module adheres to the PCI-SIG PCI Express Mini Card Specication
2.0 mechanical form factor with an electrical interface that meets the PCIE
Specication 1.1. The small solution and low power consumption make this radio
module ideal for integration into edge computers and other platforms.
This Integration Guide provides both hardware and software information needed to
properly integrate the radio module into a host platform.
Additional information can be found in the PCTEL Industrial IoT Radio Module Datasheet.