User Manual

Adjusting Gain and Volume Controls
The optimal setting for the powered mixer and included speakers is marked on the
MASTER LEVEL control (Fig.12). Adjust the CHANNEL LEVEL control (Fig.13) until the
desired volume is achieved. If the desired volume is reached with the CHANNEL LEVEL
turned down to one of the rst three positions, turn the MASTER LEVEL down so you
can turn the CHANNEL LEVEL up. If the desired volume is achieved when the CHANNEL
LEVEL is close to max then raise the MASTER LEVEL so you can lower the CHANNEL
LEVEL. These are the same as any basic mixer functions.
Adjusting Tone Controls
For each active channel adjust the HIGH, MID-MORPH
, and LOW controls to achieve
desired sound. Use moderation when making these adjustments, as extreme high
settings of any of these controls can lead to a distortion of the sound and an increased
chance of feedback on microphone inputs.
This High EQ shelving type of active tone control varies the treble
frequencies (+/- 15dB at 12kHz) and is designed to remove
noise or add brilliance to the signal, depending on the quality of
the source.
Where most mid-range controls work at just one frequency, the
Mid-Morph works at two. When turned to the left, it cuts
at 250 Hz to reduce frequencies that muddy the sound. When
turned to the right, it boosts at 4 kHz to add intelligibility to
vocals. Either way, improved vocal or instrument denition can
be achieved.
A shelving type of EQ that varies the bass frequency levels (+/-
15dB at 80Hz). Low EQ adds depth to thin-sounding signals or
cleans up the muddy ones. As with any EQ, use sparingly. Too
much of this EQ can give you a booming bottom end.
Basic Operation:
Adjusting Effect Settings
The Escort has built-in digital effects. These effects can be selected in the MASTER
section by turning the EFFECTS SELECT knob left or right until the desired effect is
shown on the display (Fig.14). Once the desired effect is displayed on the screen
push the knob in to select and activate the effect. To adjust the effect parameter
simply press the PARAMETER ADJUST button (Fig.14) the available parameter and its
adjustments will be shown on the display. Turn the EFFECTS SELECT knob left or right
to adjust the parameter then press the PARAMETER ADJUST button or the EFFECTS
SELECT knob to return to the effects select screen. To hear more or less of the effect,
on any given channel, turn the CHANNEL EFX knob to the left to hear less of the
effect, and to the right to hear more of the effect (Fig.15). The EFX MUTE button in the
master section (Fig.14) will mute the effects on all channels. There are no effects on
the media channels.