Operation Manual

Keyboard Amplifiers
Thank you for selecting the KB4/KB5 keyboard amplifier. Once again‚ Peavey engineers have listened to input from
keyboard players and put together an amplifier that combines excellent features and sound in one portable package. The
new KB Series amplifiers deliver awesome sound reproduction for all of your keyboard sounds—from thundering bass to
crystal highs—it’s all there!
Before you begin to play through your amp, it is very important to ensure the product has the proper AC line voltage
supplied. You can find the proper voltage for your amp printed next to the IEC line (power) cord on the rear panel of the
unit. In addition, an external speaker jack is provided for the additional use of an external speaker enclosure. This
feature is located on the rear panel as well and is also explained in this section. Each product feature is numbered. Refer
to the front and rear panel diagrams in this manual to locate the particular features next to their number.
Please read this guide carefully to ensure your personal safety as well as the safety of your amplifier.
·· 44--cchhaannnneell ((KKBB44)) oorr 55--cchhaannnneell ((KKBB55))
·· 7755 wwaattttss ((KKBB44)) oorr 115500 wwaattttss ((KKBB55))pplleennttyy ooff ppoowweerr!!
·· uullttrraa--ssttrreennggtthh rreettrraaccttaabbllee lloocckkiinngg hhaannddllee ffoorr eeaassyy ttrraannssppoorrttjjuusstt lloocckk iitt lleeaann iitt bbaacckk aanndd ggoo!!
·· bbaallaanncceedd sstteerreeoo lliinnee oouuttss
·· sstteerreeoo sseenndd//rreettuurrnn jjaacckk
·· eexxtteennssiioonn ssppeeaakkeerr ccaappaabbiilliittyy
1. Connect the line cord to the appropriately rated receptacle
2. Be certain that all levels are down or set to the fully counter-clockwise position and set
all the EQs flat
3. Set the master level to the 12:00 position
4. Connect left output of your keyboard to the left input of the KB5/KB4 and connect right
output of your keyboard to the right input of the KB5/KB4
5. Set the DDT switch to the enable position
6. Set the main/monitor switch to the monitor position
7. Turn on power to the KB5/KB4
8. Adjust the channel level for proper volume
9. Adjust the channel EQ as needed