Installation Guide

Pegatha Secondary Handrail Installation Instructions.
Pegatha Secondary Handrail is ADA (American Disabilities Act) compliant, and the installation should be
done in compliance with that code as well.
This document can be used for installation of any piece of Pegatha Secondary Handrail.
The Pegatha supplied hardware (screws) are for installation into Aluminum. If you are installing Pegatha
Products into any other surface, you should use other hardware for that type of surface.
In planning your project, you should know that all “rail” will need to be connected using a “connector”.
And the “Rail” is supported by the “brackets”.
The 1-1/4 screws are for fastening the Secondard Handrail “bracketsto the Posts or supporting surface.
The 3/4 screws are for fastening the connectors to the rails, or the brackets to the rails.
When using a connector, you will want to use a 9/64 drill bit for the bottom side of the rail and
connector, and then countersink the hole, so the flathead screw will not show on the underside of the

Summary of content (1 pages)