User's Manual

Page 41 of 52PTCarPhone 6 User Manual
Additional Information
When the function “Call Waiting” was activated, it is possible to switch between an active call and a waiting call
back and forward.
Use the following keys for this feature:
End key
: The waiting call is rejected, or, a call on hold is hang up.
Call key : The waiting call is accepted and the active call is hang up.
Function key Switch: The waiting call is accepted and the active call put on hold. Use this key to switch be-
tween active and on-hold call back and forward.
See also “Call Waiting“ on page 27.
Features of the GPS Module
The GPS icon in the symbol bar of the display represents the strength of the GPS reception as shown below:
GPS: No satellite
GPS: 2D-Fix
GPS: 3D-Fix
Please nd more information on GPS in the technical documentation „AN1905: Platform 6 Command Description
Manual“. This documentation is available for download on
Setting the Time via GPS
When the GPS module contacts the global satellite system for the rst time, the PTCarPhone receives the UTC time
and, if the time was not set up manually, is shown on the display. The difference between the received UTC time
and the time setting is stored on the PTCarPhone and applied at the next start-up.
The Second Handset
With the second handset, which is offered as an accessory item, calls can be forwarded from one handset to the
other and intercom calls can be made between the two handsets. For call settings for the second handset, see
“Incoming Call“ on page 28.
When both handsets are connected, software updates will be applied to both handsets.
The handset which is plugged into the socket on the electronics box marked with “IF1” is connected to the
hands-free system.
SMS are displayed on both handsets.