User's Manual

confirmation tone is heard. "Ride Height:
Raised! appears on the instrument screen and
the nose lift icon is illuminated while the
vehicle remains raised.
If there is no further activity, the Vehicle raise
text display will exit after the timeout duration
has been exceeded. To set the timeout to
home screen duration, see Language,
page 3.17.
stationary, the engine must be running
and the driver!s door must be fully
NOTE: When the nose is raised, you will
only have the option to lower the nose.
NOTE: Do not drive at high speed whilst
the nose is lowering. If the nose begins
to auto lower, a descending audible tone
is heard, and the nose lift menu will be
displayed in the left-hand display
allowing you control of the system.
NOTE: Always check the nose lift icon in
the right-hand display before driving
your vehicle.
To lower the nose of the vehicle, select the
nose lift menu (see Accessing the Menu,
page 3.12) and then move the menu control
stalk downwards.
The change in nose ride height is confirmed
by a descending audible tone. "Vehicle
Lowering! appears in the instrument display
and the screen nose lift icon will flash.