User's Manual

Nose Lift Operation
Nose Lift be used as a jacking system.
Using the Nose Lift to access the
underneath of the car may result in
serious injury.
Nose lift gives you the option to raise or lower
the front of the vehicle dependent on the
current vehicle ride height.
Nose ride height can only be raised when
traveling at speeds below 31 mph (50 kph).
The nose will automatically lower at speeds
above 37 mph (60 kph).
NOTE: If the nose lift icon on the right-
hand side of the central display is amber,
the system is not available. Do not drive
the vehicle at high speed and contact
your McLaren Retailer as soon as
The front suspension can be left fully raised
for extended periods, but it may relax to a
lower level over time.
If the nose is left in a raised position for a long
period, a system reset may occur when the
engine is next started to return the nose to
normal ride height.
If nose lift is used when in motion, slight
adjustments to the steering feel may be
experienced, this is normal and does not
affect the operation of the vehicle.
Access to nose lift can be obtained by using
the menu structure, see LEFT-HAND DISPLAY,
page 3.4.
the menu control stalk on the left of the
steering column, whenever the engine is
running and the doors are closed.
NOTE: Nose lift will be unavailable if
launch mode is active.
NOTE: Nose lift lowering is available only
if the door is closed.
Hold the menu control stalk up for one
second to quickly access the menu. A
confirmation tone will be heard.
Alternatively, access nose lift using the menu
structure, see LEFT-HAND DISPLAY, page 3.4.
The left-hand display will exit after the
timeout duration has been exceeded back to
home screen if there is no activity on the
See Nose Lift, page 3.12, for full information.