User's Manual

60 C2904M-B (2/05)
Problem Possible Causes Suggested Remedy
No connection between unit and terminal Faulty cable connections. Check all leads, plugs, contacts, and connections.
The computer’s serial interface is not Check other serial interfaces.
Interface parameters do not match. If necessary, select a different COM port, make sure the
computer’s interface parameters match with those of the
unit. Possibly select the following standard parameters:
19200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. Then turn off
power to the unit and turn on again after a few seconds.
No picture transmission to remote station.
Defective camera. Connect local monitor and check camera function.
Faulty cable connection. Check all leads, plugs, contacts, and connections.
No connection established, no picture Configuration of the unit. Check all configuration parameters.
transmission. Faulty installation. Check all leads, plugs, contacts, and connections.
Wrong IP address. Check IP address (terminal program).
Faulty data transmission within LAN. Check data transmission with the ping command.
The maximum number of receivers is Wait until a new connection is possible and dial again.
No audio transmission to receiver. Defective hardware. Check perfect functioning of all audio devices connected.
Faulty cable connection. Check all leads, plugs, contacts, and connections.
Audio voice connection is occupied by Wait until the connection is free and dial again.
another receiver.
Cannot control PTZ cameras or other Cable connection between the RS-232 Check all cable connections and ensure all plugs are
devices. interfaces and the connected device is properly plugged in.
The interface parameters conflict with Make sure the settings of the devices involved agree with
the other connected devices. each other.
The unit is not ready for operation after Voltage failure while the update file is Replace the device and have it checked by Pelco.
firmware upload. being programmed.