Operation Manual

Eon Slide-R (P 5117)
EN - 4
Battery charging
When you start using the unit, please fully charge and discharge the battery about 2 - 3 times to ensure maximum
battery life and power capacity.
In the top right corner of the display (in most modes), a battery charge indicator is visible. If the indicator is filled – the
battery is fully charged, if it’s empty – battery is almost discharged and must be charged as soon as possible. During
the charging process the indicator changes its appearance or full screen animation is displayed (to exit this animation
hold M button).
To charge the battery:
connect the player to computer’s USB port (see Connecting to computer section for more details), or
connect the player to a power outlet via attached power adapter, or
connect the player to a car lighter socket via car USB charger
Note: Some functions of the player may be unavailable during battery charging.
Connecting to computer
The player has a USB 2.0 High Speed interface, and is recognized by operating system as a standard USB mass
storage device. Player supports following operating systems: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista. After connecting to the PC
(several seconds later), the player will display icon of USB connection (file management available). To charge battery
use Safely Remove Hardware feature of operating system.