Operation Manual

Vanquish R Wave (P 5115)
would cause the device not to work normally! The firmware upgrade software of this player does not apply to
other series of players.
Before firmware upgrade we recommend you to backup the files stored inside the player’s flash memory. All
files are likely to be erased during the upgrade procedure. PENTAGRAM Europe cannot be held responsible
for any data loss.
Make sure that you use only the genuine PENTAGRAM firmware for upgrading Vanquish R Wave. You can
download the latest firmware from www.pentargam.eu
Do not detach the player from your computer while the firmware upgrade procedure is in progress. This may
casue a critical malfunction.
The player can upgrade or resume the damaged player driver via the tool software from the attached CD disc.
1. For the first upgrading of computer, insert the drive disk into the CD-ROM of computer, then connect the MP4
player with computer (it requires you to press and hold the M key), till it appears the program Installation
2. Implement the next step according to the Dialog box prompt, and select the “Upgrading Tool” folder in the
attached disk in the “Browse” option of the fourth Dialog box, then click Confirm.
3. Operate as per the prompt in dialog box till the accomplishment
4. When the installation of programs required by computer is OK, you can begin the upgrading; select and run
the firmware upgrading tool Consumer.exe (can be found in attached disk), then open the option and select
*.rfw file.
5. Connect the player to PC via USB cable (press and hold the M key before the On-line operation), then click
[Burnt Firmware] till the Auto Upgrading is achieved.