User's Manual

II Wireless Remote Installation and Users Guide
1. To enter the ID programming mode press buttons 2 and 6 at the same time.
2. The LED will flash slowly 4 times while entering the ID programming mode. At
a 1 second on/off pulse rate.
3. Enter the 8 bits of identification number where Switch 1 is button 1, switch 2 is
button 2 through to switch 8 as button 8.
Note: During programming of the ID, only press the buttons that are to be set
high or “1”. The equivalent switch on the receiver is in the on position. The
LED will not flash when the button is press while in the programming mode.
4. Once the identifications number has been entered, press buttons 2 and 6 at
the same time again to exit the programming mode. The LED will flash four (4)
times slowly as it exits the mode. At a 1 second on/off pulse rate.
Note: Once programming exited button presses will light the LED’s at a ½
second on/off rate.
Connecting QuickTouch II